Monday, October 18, 2010

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

The MTC. The entry portal of thousands of 19 year old boys. Within it's walls, it holds many dreams, tears, homesick nights, dear Johns, and memories. It is also where these young men prepare to go on missions by learning many different skills such as networking, asking and making appointments, how to secure commitment, working with a particularly stubborn investigator, and of course the ins and outs of the gospel. Some even get the opportunity to learn another language.  Little do these young men know that these lessons, if practiced faithfully in the two year duration of the mission, only prepare them for the dating scene upon return.
For example, say Ryan asks Sherry for her number, and she says no initially. Well, what the mission has taught him is A. Never take no for answer, and B. Perseverance. So he waits until twenty minutes later in the conversation, and asks again. This time Sherry is a little impressed by said skills and gives in. Now you're on to round two.
The next round is securing a hang out, kind of like securing an appointment. If Sherry keeps the appointment, that allows for discussion, and now you're on to round three, which is a little more serious. Ryan and Sherry have hung out a couple times at this time, and now it comes time for Ryan to make the challenge. Will Sherry commit to a date? (Sounding a little familiar....)
The date has been set, but Ryan must make sure that Sherry will stay true to her commitment. So her makes sure she's still on board by sending her texts messages.
The date of the date arrives, Sherry spends about an hour getting ready, while Ryan spends about ten more minutes than usual. Once he picks her up, this is where the working with the investigator comes in. He has to make sure she will want to go on a second date. He pulls out all his best tricks and suave moves. He markets himself to this woman to show her how the message and meaning he will bring to her life will change it.
The date ends, both feel it has gone particularly well. Now Sherry must commit to another date. Networking starts to take it's role here. Ryan networks with Sherry's friends and finds out what she is saying about him, how she feels about the particular future. On and on it goes.
So young men in the MTC, do not despair about all the foxy ladies you will miss in the next two years. Little do you know that you are being prepared to get one upon your return ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

School's back in [make-out] session

It's the start of a new school year, and at BYU that means getting a fresh start on our romantic pursuits. As everyone knows, a new ward = a new batch of opportunity. All around campus, it's not hard to miss the signs of new love blossoming:

  • A lovely couple spooning on the grass outside the TMCB. Apparently it stands for Too Much Close Bonding.
  • Girl and guy kissing on a bench outside the WIDB. Girl overheard saying, "We should stop, my boyfriend might see us."
  • Couple canoodling in the courtyard of the JFSB. With no mind of the glass building surrounding them.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This is like a non commital makeout

Short, juicy, passionate, your guilty pleasure, whatever you call it, you'll be likening it to this blog soon enough. Welcome to BYU Gossip Girl. While we would love to keep tabs on all the thousands of juicy relationships occurring across BYU campus, we just don't have that kind of man power. Instead, whenever we feel so inclined, we will be bringing you the best and most outrageous of BYU dating trends, cliches, and Public Displays of Affection. So lovers, beware. You never know if you may appear on this blog page. And we are not partial to repeat offenders. Lovebirds, start your loving.